Easing Family Concerns About Independent Living

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Easing Family Concerns About Independent Living

Senior living, Independent living

You have made the decision that independent living is the best course for you. Perhaps there was no
decision to be made at all. Who can resist the luxurious amenities, easy access to wellness resources,
and minimal maintenance lifestyle that independent living offers? It is understandable why you are
feeling more excited than nervous about your choice when you consider your friendly neighbors who
are always willing to join you in a yoga class or who aren’t afraid to try out as your pickleball partner.
You might be hesitant to discuss senior living with your adult children or other family members, though.
Your excitement about your new transition may be dampened if you think they might be worried about
independent living.
We have included some of the most typical initial worries that family members have regarding
independent living and provided solutions so that you can soothe their minds. Most of the time, families
are not aware of the thriving communities independent living houses are now. Here are some tips foreducating them.

Financial Concerns

When you tell a family member that you are thinking about moving into an independent living
community, they might ask, how are you going to pay for it? Your relatives have probably seen the
sizable campuses that independent living residences occupy, and they may have heard tales from
acquaintances about loved ones who couldn’t afford senior care.
Put their anxieties at ease by explaining how an independent living community  fixed monthly cost
really facilitates budgeting. In addition to access to amenities and maintenance services, this monthly
charge frequently covers rent, utilities, events, and a flexible meal plan. Then, tell them how your
monthly expenses for living at home compare to that practically all-inclusive monthly price. The
similarity between the two numbers will probably startle them.
If they continue to be worried, invite them to a meeting with you and your financial advisor, if you feel
comfortable doing so. You may find that taking this extra step gives them the peace of mind they require
to approve of your move.

Concerns About Downsizing

You might find that your adult children are rejecting your move if you are leaving the house they grew
up in or have deep emotional links to because they will miss it. This is typical because our past homes
are associated with a wide range of feelings and memories. Recall how your kids played hide-and-seek
with neighbors in the garden, revealed family secrets to their siblings in their bedrooms, and celebrated
their engagement in your dining room. It can be challenging for them to be thrilled about your move
when they know they won’t have this house to come back to.
Your family is more likely to send you into your new home with favorable feelings if they feel they have
had a chance to say “thank you” and “goodbye” to your home.

Concerns Regarding Family Gatherings

Your family members might be wondering what will happen to their gatherings after you move to
independent living if your home was the location to be on holidays, birthdays, or other special
occasions. Again, as the matriarch or patriarch of your family, your table is probably the focal point of
many of your family’s rituals. Remind your loved ones that your new independent living house is still available for hosting. This is a
great opportunity to show them the layout of your new house and highlight all the space you have for
entertaining. During this time, you could also take them on a virtual tour of the neighborhood,
highlighting areas like the outdoor patio, private dining room, and living room that would be perfect for
family gatherings.

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