In-Home Safety Tips For Dementia Patients
December 9, 2022 0 Comment Category: Senior HealthIf your senior loved one is suffering from dementia disorder, in-home safety should be of top priority,
whether the person lives alone, with other family members or with a caregiver. The first thing to ensure
safety is to verify that the person knows what to do in case of an emergency. If they are unsure of what
to do, you will have to develop a plan together, including an escape plan that your senior loved one can
easily navigate. In addition, ensure that all fire and smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are
working properly and have new batteries.
Make clear and easily readable guides with basic steps and emergency numbers and post them in readily
visible areas, including near phones. However, there are many other precautions beyond emergency
planning that can ensure the safety of your senior loved one. Experts in dementia care and senior care
share some precautions to improve the safety of the home.
Remove Potentially Dangerous Things
You need to remove all potentially dangerous machines, tools and utensils to ensure the safety of your
senior loved one suffering from dementia disorders. Some of the possible objects to secure are guns and
ammunition, sharp objects like knives and blades, and even kitchen appliances. Make sure to carefully
monitor the ability of your senior loved one to use these items.
Monitor Alcohol And Medication Use
Most people suffering from dementia disorders will be able to manage simple medication regimens in
the starting stages of the disease. As dementia is a progressive disorder, it can lead to impaired
reasoning and judgment and therefore, you need to be mindful of the amount of alcohol consumed by
your senior loved one. Also, ask their doctors whether it is safe for your loved one to consume alcohol
with their current medicines. If your senior loved one needs assistance with medication management,
you can use a smart pill dispenser or an automatic medication dispenser to make it easier.
Secure Potential Toxins
People suffering from dementia disorders can be easily confused about products and can mistake a
potential toxin for a safe one. So, you need to keep all household toxins like gasoline, cleaners, etc
secured and out of reach to avoid ingestion or accidental exposure.
Prevent Slip And Fall Accidents
Make sure to get rid of any tripping hazards that exist throughout the house. This includes cords
extending across footpaths or hallways, throw rugs with raised edges or that may slide on the floor, and
clutter that limits walking space. You can also install handrails on stairways, in the bathroom and in
hallways if necessary. Using nonslip grips for bathtubs can also help reduce the risk of slips and falls.
Address Lighting Concerns
Impairment in vision, combined with poor balance and reduction in strength increase the chances of
your senior loved one tripping and falling. Ensuring that all rooms and walkways throughout the home
are well-lit can minimize these risks. You may also install nightlights to illuminate hallways after sunset.
Properly Arrange Furniture
Arrange furniture in the home to clear the walking path, but make sure not to rearrange furniture, as it
can lead to confusion. Also, ensure that chairs and beds are at a comfortable height to let your senior
loved one move in and out easily without strain.
Reduce The Temperature Setting On The Water Heater
Dementia care experts say that people suffering from dementia disorders may not be able to judge
temperature accurately. Therefore, taking this step can help minimize the risks of burns.
You may also place easy-to-read calendars and clocks around the home as these can help your senior
loved one remain oriented.
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