Tag Archives: Depression


Depression In Aging Parents: Warning Signs To Watch For

Senior living, depression in seniors  The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that more than 6.5 million seniors had depression in 2009. Even though the data is years old, many people still do not consider severe depression to be a concern for elderly parents. What’s worse is that depression in seniors sometimes goes undetected. Many senior living experts opine that a senior who is upset could come off as grumpy. One could consider appetite loss a side effect of becoming older. Seniors may be more likely to worry about death because they are nearing the conclusion of their life. Being sad about becoming older is normal given that we all want to be younger. The physical symptoms of aging or certain behavioral features can indeed be signs of depression. As a result, depression is never properly diagnosed and is instead attributed to aging. This is regrettable because senior depression is common, remains undiagnosed and untreated, and can have catastrophic repercussions. Knowing the warning signals is crucial if your parent begins to exhibit symptoms of depression, which is not a typical outcome of aging.  Causes Of Depression In Seniors  Seniors do not develop clinical depression as a result of aging; although your parents may be sad that the years have flown by. Again, almost every senior can endure bodily changes and mental fluctuations. However, you and any caregivers should be concerned if these symptoms persist for more than a few weeks. Why are older people more prone to depression? According to […]

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